Online Men’s Gathering

Emotional Freedom for Men

Workshop Presenter: Andrew Bryce
Workshop Description:

Emotions are essential to a life of meaning, how else can you tell if you are excited, passionate, angry, sad or bored? However, most families in North America, Europe and Australia don’t do very well with emotions and for us men, we get the old “get up and shut up” or “I’ll give you something to cry about” or “Be a man” and that can lead to stuffing feelings, feeling that life is unfair or not knowing what we are feeling.

Andy is a Master Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques and for over 20 years he has been teaching and coaching men around the world to discover and master their emotions.

You will learn the simple methods and have a practical experience of this blend of Chinese acupuncture (no needles) and psychology in the 90-minute class.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Sitting

Emotional Intensity: Potentially Triggering

Categories: Relationships & Communication, Emotional Development

About Andy:

Andy was a leader in a Men’s group in North America from 1985 to 1997. He is one of 28 Founding EFT Master practitioners in the world and works one to one with men and women as well as families to help them eliminate emotional reactivity, past trauma and loss as well as facilitating communication, collaboration and cooperation in relationships and families.

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