Online Men’s Gathering

Reclaim Your Power

Workshop Presenter: Craig Ball
Workshop Description:

The workshop will cover:

  • How your emotions are created
  • How to analyse what is actually happening in an emotionally stressful situation
  • How to challenge your beliefs to remove the negative energy around them and give you the mental clarity to deal with what’s actually going on.

The workshop also covers complimentary concepts to enable the core part of the session including unconditional self acceptance, and above and below the line thinking.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Sitting

Emotional Intensity: Likely Neutral

Categories: Emotional Development, Leadership & Purpose

About Craig:

Men’s Mental Health Speaker, veteran and coach, Craig has been presenting to audiences for over 20 years in environments as diverse as Taronga Zoo to Afghanistan and everywhere in between.

Whether presenting to Australia’s youth, corporate clients or blue collar teams his message is the same:

That everything you need is within you, sometimes you just need a little help to bring it out.

Craig regularly devotes time to mentoring fellow veterans through transition and finding work, and is Husband to Theresa and Father to Harvey and Isla.

The Online Men's gathering is for you if:

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