Online Men’s Gathering

Creating environments that support good mental health, safety and wellbeing

Workshop Presenter: Rae Bonney
Workshop Description:

A one hour information session focused on heavy industry, high risk, male dominated settings. Addressing the unique risk factors for men and demonstrating through storytelling, analogy and self management plans and frameworks, how men can be enabled to manage better.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Sitting

Emotional Intensity: Potentially Triggering

Categories: Relationships & Communication, Emotional Development, Leadership & Purpose

Important Note: Rae has a huge amount to offer to men and we are excited to have her at the OMG. We are also committed to maintaining the OMG as a safe container, open only to people who identify as male. To accommodate both, Rae will be presenting externally via Zoom.

About Rae:

Rae has been delivering bespoke information sessions, workshops, keynotes and speaking events for almost 10 years. Advocating & working in the men’s issues space has provided many of the most humbling, meaningful & proud moments of Rae’s life. Ignited by the devastating fact that every minute of every day, another man in the world kills himself – she is dedicated to helping identify opportunities for better support, understanding & positive change. Rae’s egalitarian approach strongly supports an idea that creating better lives for men and boys has a direct and potentially lifesaving impact on everyone.

Rae’s position as Vice President of the Australian Men’s Health Forum (peak body for men’s health in Australia) recognises that male health is more than just a medical issue. Men and boys’ health is shaped by a range of factors such as education, relationships, working lives, experiences of fatherhood and access to male-friendly services. For this reason, the men’s health sector isn’t just made up of GPs and psychologists: it’s a dynamic network of individuals and organisations working to improve the lives and health of men and boys in many different ways. The issues we work to address include physical health, mental health, relationship issues, social isolation, violence, boys’ transition into manhood and the challenges of fatherhood. What unites us is a belief that improving men’s health is good for everyone and developing male-friendly approaches to working with men and boys is one of the best ways to achieve this.

My area of specialty is within heavy industry, high risk, male dominated spaces. I respond in many and various ways.

Suicide and Crisis Response
On-call access for suicide, crisis, and trauma mental health response.

Public Speaker / Presenter / MC
Engaging, enriching, and a dash of entertaining subject matter spanning suicide prevention; men’s and boys’ health; workplace mental health; leading through change; and the role of physical health in mental health management.

Men’s and boys’ health practitioner
Drawing upon observations, experiences, and interactions through private, public, and workplace collaborations, Rae illustrates some of the lesser known things about men and boys and highlights how stigma and stereotyping can increase risk to their good mental health, safety and wellbeing.

Rae offers pro-bono support to charities and not-for-profit organisations in their mission to create environments that support good mental health, safety and wellbeing. Get in touch to discuss opportunities and availability.

Workplace Mental Health Specialist
Retained services and project-based programs that support good health, safety, and wellbeing of people and productivity of the organisation. These interventions minimise risk and promote engagement, trust, and the efficiency and effectiveness of people.

Private Practice Counsellor
Confidential in-person or online counselling is available. The first session is a complimentary discovery to establish a positive connection and match to embark on therapeutic compatibility.

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