Online Men’s Gathering

The Online Heart Circle

Adam Weaver & Nick Columb
What is a Heart Circle?

A space where men attending the Online Men’s Gathering can be heard, seen and honoured in their truth.

This is a space for men to share themselves authentically and be witnessed by other men.  Without any masks or the need fear of judgement. No one will try to fix them, or tell them they are right or wrong – they will simply be supported to speak their personal truth in the presence of open hearted men, who are willing to do the same.

Each man will have a maximum of two minutes to share what is in their heart, what is true for them.

There will be a strong emphasis on the fact that confidentiality cannot be assured given it is an online event and that men should take this into consideration when they are sharing.

Men should be mindful before disclosing anything that OMG is bound by the mandatory legislative requirement for the report of suspected child abuse, abuse to adults and neglect to government authorities.

The space will be facilitated by Adam Weaver and Nick Columb, both registered counsellors with Australian Counselling Association.

About Adam:

Adam is a co-organiser of the Online Men’s Gathering, team leader of the Emotional Support team and is a qualified Counsellor registered with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA).

Adam integrates evidence based models of counselling psychology together with keen intuition to provide a holistic approach to counselling. With a ‘mind-body-spirit’ focus, Adam offers practical tools to support clients to overcome personal challenges & obstacles for enhanced mental, emotional & physical well-being.

Contact Adam for a free 15 minute consultation! +610412546211

About Nick:

Nick is the co-founder of the Online Mens Gathering. He brings a wealth of experience in the men’s health space as a trained counsellor and psychotherapist (registered with the Australian Counsellors Association).

Nick has also developed and run various programs, workshops and retreats, working with men of all backgrounds with a focus on preventative and positive mental health interventions.

Contact Nick via his website –

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