Online Men’s Gathering

Rebel Confidence: How to Smash Self-Doubt, Speak Your Truth, and Set your World on Fire

Workshop Presenter: Eugene Vassilas
Workshop Description:

What if you could finally become that ultra-confident badass?

Good news:
This is the only Confidence Workshop Intensive that helps you become the strongest, boldest version of yourself to date, in the shortest time possible, by leveraging movement, breath and a powerful reconditioning of your conscious and subconscious mind.

Expect to be challenged, soothed and empowered over our 90 minutes together.

You’ll learn strategies for a better inner game as well as simple “nuts+bolts” tools to apply right away at work and home.

Leave this workshop calmer in your mind, more comfortable in your skin, more expressed in your voice and body.

Gents: welcome to your own, personal Rebel revolution.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Some Standing & Movement

Emotional Intensity: Potentially Triggering

Categories: All of them

About Eugene:

Eugene is an Elite Performance Coach, Author & Embodiment Facilitator.

A former Manhattan executive at a leading coaching company, Eugene Vassilas now facilitates workshops and coaches elite performers to elevate their leadership and communicate for success.

After his own near-death experience, Vassilas began developing strength from the inside out working closely with several leaders in the field of personal development. This led him to create The Rebel Confidence Process and write The Rebel’s Bible. His new book, The F*ck Yes Life, will be published in Q3.

When not supporting others, he’s a movement enthusiast who loves yoga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and ecstatic dance. You can find him practicing his languages (EN, BP, DN, ES, GK, IT) as he travels the world for work and play.

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