Online Men’s Gathering

Divorce – The Process, Letting Go & Beginning Anew

Workshop Presenter: Helen Glover
Workshop Description:

Looking at Divorce through the 5 Stages of Grief.

Men are deeply affected by Divorce in very different ways to women and are 8 times more likely to take their own life after separation.  Applying the Grief Cycle to Divorce is a powerful tool to assist in understanding the process.

Of course Divorce is a personal journey, however there are some key areas that can be a shock, unexpected losses and triggers.  As we recognise the potential triggers, looking at what it is we can control and how, it relieves the sense of powerlessness.  We can see this is indeed a process, where can we practice letting go?  How can we get out of the conflict cycle?  How do we hold our children through it?  Build a good co-parenting relationship?

Moving through with a bigger understanding of what we can expect, by discussing the pain and the shadow of gender in Divorce, it enables courage to build.  Ensuring a stronger, clearer, more purposeful life moving forward, one that is of your own choosing, with a capacity for deeper connection and more genuine relationships.

The Workshop will be delivered in 5 sections, each having space at the end for 2 or 3 live questions on that particular topic.  Section 4 will include a meditation on “Joy”.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Sitting

Emotional Intensity: Potentially Triggering

Categories: Relationships & Communication, Emotional Development

Important Note: Helen has a huge amount to offer to men and we are excited to have her at the OMG. We are also committed to maintaining the OMG as a safe container, open only to people who identify as male. To accommodate both, Helen will be presenting externally via Zoom.

About Helen:

Helen is a Certified Divorce Coach and Transformation Specialist, assisting men to navigate the unexpected fallout of Divorce.

She is also the founder of The Modern Masculine Podcast which showcases incredible stories of men, mixed with experts sharing experiences of their personal journey to mental wellness and growth.  In 2020 Helen held the first The Modern Masculine Summit which will be taking place again in May 2021.

After beginning her career in London counseling men with HIV in the early 90’s, Helen has always been passionate about social taboos.  However in 2015 after coaching men who had been medically discharged from the Military, she became acutely aware of the stress men faced when dealing with intense emotion.  The societal pressure and mixed messages were almost impossible to navigate she felt the gap of real support and understanding that was so desperately needed.

She began the conversation with men, through witnessing and providing space to hear men’s stories, Helen believes the only way to heal is together, by true care and consideration of the unnecessary taboo around emotional expression for men.

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