Online Men’s Gathering

Speaking Your Truth: How to confidently present & sell with soul

Workshop Presenter: John Harvey
Workshop Description:

We will be covering 7 main keys to getting your message out to the world in a way that is both sustainable and scalable.

Together we will be exploring our relationship to selling one to many. What is the thinking required to successfully profit from presenting?

How do we sell one to many in a way that is both ethical and feels right to us and our audience?

We will be exploring why learning how to professionally pitch, is possibly the most important and valuable skill to develop in 2021 for coaches, consultants, leaders, and difference makers.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Sitting

Emotional Intensity: Likely Neutral

Categories: Relationships & Communication, Leadership & Purpose, Financial Wellbeing

About John:

As a peak performance researcher and master coach John specializes in working with aspiring speakers by guiding them beyond their current limitations (he has been through a few himself) and into new possibilities.

Having worked with a wide range of leaders from the slums of India to some of the biggest sporting & speaking stages in the world, John is passionate about the people he works with and seeing them become the ultimate version of themselves

The professional pitching, communication methods, and systems John uses help you to become more clear, confident, courageous, and profitable as a speaker. Known for being unapologetically direct and deeply compassionate with his clients, John understands that you are as unique as the journey you have taken to get to where you are.

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