Online Men’s Gathering

Self-Expression for Men: Performance Skills for Authenticity, Presence & Aliveness

Workshop Presenter: Jonathan Bender
Workshop Description:

Men have generally not been given permission or encouragement to fully express themselves, let alone to fully feel, which has led to being disconnected from their personal power as well as joy. 

And yet, the path to stepping back into your full being does not have to be arduous. Imagine a grounded, relaxed, and playful approach to discovering your aliveness. 

Utilizing performance techniques drawn from acting, movement, and vocal work – as well as inner growth tools – this workshop will take you into a journey of rediscovering yourself, as well as finding a new path to connecting with others through your true presence.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Space & Comfy Clothes Needed

Emotional Intensity: Likely Neutral

Categories: Movement & Embodiment, Sovereignty & Self-Authorship

About Jonathan:

Since 1996, Jonathan Bender has coached and trained thousands to find greater confidence, presence, and self-expression in both their professional and personal lives.

His love is to help people shed old habits of how they perform and act, to become powerful and authentic speakers, leaders and human beings.

A theatre director, actor and creator, he holds both a Master of Fine Art in Theater: Contemporary Performance from Naropa University, as well as a Master of Science in Performance Studies and Speech Communication.

In addition to being on a spiritual path since a young age, Jonathan has been doing men’s work since 2012, and finds purpose and fulfillment in helping men find vulnerability, embodiment, personal power, and the joy of aliveness.

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