Online Men’s Gathering

Chaos, Rhythm and Life – Learning From Making Mistakes

Workshop Presenter: Justin Holland
Workshop Description:

This is an experiential workshop based on the Taketina rhythm process as developed by Reinhard Flatischler.

We were born to make music and to connect ourselves and each other through rhythm. As men we can lose connection to the musician within, and to our creative rhythmic voice. 
We can also be hard on ourselves and scared of looking silly or getting it wrong.

In this workshop the body will be our instrument as we explore simple layers of rhythm, using steps, claps and the voice.
It is through these layers of embodied rhythm that simultaneous awareness can open us into deep states of trance and connection. An experience where we feel carried by rhythm and fully connected to our body and senses.

Focusing on two or three layers at the same time can also be very challenging in moments and we can lose our place.
When we do fall out of rhythm however we have a choice in how we respond.
Most of us become rigid and hold on tight, for some the inner critic starts, and it is harder and harder to find our way back in.
But if we lean into the chaos, soften and bring a sense of curiosity and flexibility to it, we can let the wave wash over us.
By letting go, detaching and connecting to the breath we can much more easily find our way back to the rhythm.

By exploring chaos and flow we can gain much insight into how we learn, who we are, and what stops us from growing and responding openly to the difficult moments in our life.

Each participant will be encouraged to go at their own pace and take on as much complexity as they feel comfortable with.  We’ll be working with sound so a set of bluetooth speakers or headphones will help each participant immerse themselves in the experience.

Experience Level: Beginner

Physical Involvement: Some Standing & Movement

Emotional Intensity: Likely Soothing

Categories: Movement & Embodiment, Emotional Development, Sovereignty & Self-Authorship, Leadership & Purpose

About Justin:

Justin Holland is a professional musician, dancer and educator with over 25 years of experience. He is a graduate of the Victorian college of the Arts, and has had a very successful and diverse career performing and teaching in Australia and around the world. He was a founding member of Bird On A Wire physical theatre company and has performed with numerous ensembles and companies such as Down Town Brown, Legs On A Wall, Meow Meow, Snuff Puppets, Polyglot, Back to Back theatre to name a few.

Justin is a trained yoga teacher and has taught yoga in a number of different studios and contexts around Australia and is a founding member of Spirit Dance, a weekly ecstatic dance event that ran for 7 years in Melbourne.

He is passionate about the creative arts being inclusive and spent many years teaching hip hop, music and sound production in the juvenile justice system with incarcerated youth.

Justin has spent over 10 years as the musical director/choreographer for Somebodys Daughter Theatre, a Melbourne based community arts organisation that creates extraordinary theatre with women in maximum security prison and marginalised youth in regional Victoria.

In recent years Justin has devoted much time to learning the TaKeTiNa method, receiving an Australia Council grant to study the basic 3 year training with founder Reinhard Flatischler. He has run regular workshops both in Australia and abroad, In 2019 teaching at Laselle University in Singapore.

Currently he is completing the senior level training at the TaKeTiNa institute in Vienna.

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